Note: Only the text in grey links to a mindmap; we haven’t yet completed the mindmaps for each topic, so we haven’t uploaded them. Therefore, the black text is simply text and not a link leading to a mindmap. We apologise for the inconvenience!


B1. Characteristics of living organisms

B1.0 – Characteristics of Living Organisms

B2. Cells

B2.1 – Cell Structure

B2.2 – Movement In and Out of Cells

B3. Enzymes

B3.0 – Enzymes

B4. Nutrition

B4.1 – Nutrients

B4.2 – Plant Nutrition

B4.3 – Animal Nutrition

B5. Transportation

B5.1 – Transport in Plants

B5.2 – Transport in Humans

B6. Respiration

B6.1 – Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration

B6.2 – Gas Exchange

B7. Co-ordination and response

B7.1 – Nervous Control in Humans

B7.2 – Hormones

B7.3 – Tropic Responses

B7.4 – Homeostasis

B8. Reproduction

B8.1 – Asexual and Sexual Reproduction

B8.2 – Sexual Reproduction in Plants

B8.3 – Sexual Reproduction in Humans

B9.  Inheritance

B9.1 – Chromosomes and Genes

B9.2 – Cell Division

B9.3 – Monohybrid Inheritance

B9.4 – Variation and Selection

B10. Energy flow in ecosystems

B10.0 – Energy Flow in Ecosystems

B11. Human influences on the ecosystem

B11.0 – Human Influences on the Ecosystem


C1. The particulate nature of matter

C1.0 – The Particle Nature of Matter

C2. Experimental techniques

C2.0 – Experimental Techniques

C3. Atoms, elements and compounds

C3.1 – Physical and Chemical Changes

C3.2 – Elements, Compounds and Mixtures

C3.3 – Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table

C3.4 – Ions and Ionic Bonds

C3.5 – Molecules and Covalent Bonds

C3.6 – Giant Structures

C4. Stoichiometry

C4.0 – Stoichiometry

C4.1 – The Mole Concept

C5. Electricity and chemistry

C5.0 – Electricity and Chemistry

C6. Energy changes in chemical reactions

C6.0 – Energy Changes in Chemical Reactions

C7. Chemical reactions

C7.1 – Rate of Reaction

C7.2 – Redox

C8. Acids, bases and salts

C8.1 – The Characteristic Properties of Acids and Bases

C8.2 – Types of Oxides

C8.3 – Preparation of Salts

C8.4 – Identification of Ions and Gases

C9. The Periodic Table

C9.0 – The Periodic Table

C9.1 – Periodic Trends

C9.2 – Group Properties

C9.3 – Transition Elements

C9.4 – Noble Gases

C10. Metals

C10.1 – Properties of Metals

C10.2 – Reactivity Series

C10.3 – Extraction of Metals

C10.4 – Uses of Metals

C11. Air and water

C11.1 – Air and Water

C12. Sulfur

C12.0 – Sulfur

C13. Carbonates

C13.0 – Carbonates

C14. Organic chemistry

C14.1 – Fuels

C14.2 – Introduction to Organic Compounds

C14.3 – Hydrocarbons

C14.4 – Alcohols

C14.5 – Macromolecules

C14.6 – Synthetic Polymers

C14.7 – Natural Macromolecules


P1. Motion

P1.0 – Motion

P2. Matter and forces

P2.1 – Mass and Weight

P2.2 – Density

P2.3 – Effects of Forces

P2.4 – Pressure

P3. Energy, work and power

P3.1 – Energy

P3.2 – Energy Resources

P3.3 – Work

P3.4 – Power

P4. Simple kinetic molecular model of matter

P4.1 – States of Matter

P4.2 – Molecular Model

P4.3 – Evaporation

P4.4 – Pressure Changes

P5. Matter and thermal properties

P5.1 – Thermal Expansion of Solids, Liquids and Gases

P5.2 – Thermal Capacity

P5.3 – Melting and Boiling

P6. Transfer of thermal energy

P6.1 – Conduction

P6.2 – Convection

P6.3 – Radiation

P6.4 – Consequences of Energy Transfer

P7. Waves

P7.1 – General Wave Properties

P8. Light

P8.1 – Reflection of Light

P8.2 – Refraction of Light

P8.3 – Thin Converging Lens

P8.4 – Dispersion of Light

P9. Electromagnetic spectrum

P9.0 – Electromagnetic Spectrum

P10. Sound

P10.0 – Sound

P11. Magnetism

P11.0 – Magnetism

P12. Electricity

P12.1 – Electrical Quantities

P12.2 – Electric Charge

P12.3 – Current, Electromotive Force and Potential Difference

P12.4 – Resistance

P12.5 – Electrical Energy

P12.6 – Dangers of Electricity

P13. Electric circuits

P13.1 – Circuit Diagrams

P13.2 – Series and Parallel Circuits

P13.3 – Action and Use of Circuit Components

P14. Electromagnetic effects

P14.1 – Electromagnetic Induction

P14.2 – a.c. Generator

P14.3 – Transformer

P14.4 – The Magnetic Effect of a Current

P14.5 – Force on a Current Carrying Conductor

P14.6 – d.c. Motor

P15. Radioactivity

P15.1 – Detection of Radioactivity

B15.2 – Characteristics of Three Kinds of Emission

B15.3 – Radioactive Decay

B15.4 – Half-life

B15.5 – Safety Precautions

B15.6 – The Nuclear Atom

B15.7 – Isotopes

10 thoughts on “Mindmaps: Co-ordinated Sciences – 0654

  1. I can’t find any mind maps… its just the topic names and when I click on them nothing happens. Am I doing something wrong? I tried from 2 different laptops and even different browsers but I can’t find any mind maps 😦


  2. Thank you so much!!! this helped me and my friends a lot for the coordinated science section, the topics were explained in a way where it was simple and straight to the point without having loads of text to read through

    Liked by 1 person

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